I just finished one of the most influential, life touching, essays I have ever read in my life, and it leaves me in this moment of awe. This man expressed a moment in his life that I felt as a reader. I personally know as a person who enjoys writing, there is no greater feeling then connecting with your audience.I could not believe how he brought me in and i was there! I could feel the emotion that he felt, I could smell the smells, I could see the visions, his moment was my moment! From beginning to end he had me experiencing this moment in time.
Many have told me that I have a story to tell. I have a story that needs to be heard, but we all have a story! What makes my story any more special than the next persons? Sure, there are moments in my life that I would love to share. There are moments in my life that i want people to feel as I did, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid that i won't do justice to my moment and there is nothing less valuable than a watered down moment. I fear that I won't have the right words to portray such emotion. I'm afraid that i only get one chance to tell MY story and i don't want to mess it up! But what i fear most is that I will have to relive those moments in order to share my story.
As I sit here writing this blog, I question: "What do I have to loose?" If people say you have a story to tell, why not tell your story? They cant judge you for telling your story, HEMORY!! Sure, I can understand your fears, but isn't that what expression is all about? Making yourself vulnerable? I guess I should think about it this way, If I don't tell my story...Who will?
Oh and by the way here is a link to that article that touched me so dearly! http://augustturak.com/personal-transformation/the-magical-umbrella-how-a-monks-christmas-present-changed-my-life/attachment/brother_john_book
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