
Monday, November 8, 2010

Road to BEARDOM!

So i was just in the shower and I was thinking. I'm on this journey to be a great man one day and potentially have a billion dollar empire. So, as I said, I was thinking what are some things that many great men possess. After giving it thought and not to mention I could feel my skin start to wrinkle, it hit me! Great men equals BEARD!! Think about it, Jesus had a beard, I'm sure Socrates and Aristotle had beards. Zeus had a beard,Moses had a beard. The great Abe Lincoln almost had a beard. Einstein.....didn't have a Beard but he had a crazy looking mustache that we could classify in the beard section. Any how that is my inspiration for growing a beard, hence set me forth on a road to BEARDOM. I must say I have a pretty great beard forming at this moment. I'm sure you guys out there can respect the ability to grow such a thing. I mean hey even some of you ladies hold this ability as well. So with that being said I am on the right track for greatness and the "Road to Beardom"!


  1. As a fellow member of the beard movement i feel inclined to mention some other amazing intellectual beards in history; Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, Che Guevara, Chuck Norris, Henry VIII and my personal favorite Sigmund Freud.

  2. Indeed great members of the beard movement!!!
