
Sunday, December 26, 2010

My Story (Raw Expressions)

     I just finished one of the most influential, life touching, essays I have ever read in my life, and it leaves me in this moment of awe. This man expressed a moment in his life that I felt as a reader. I personally know as a person who enjoys writing, there is no greater feeling then connecting with your audience.I could not believe how he brought me in and i was there! I could feel the emotion that he felt, I could smell the smells, I could see the visions, his moment was my moment! From beginning to end he had me experiencing this moment in time.
     Many have told me that I have a story to tell. I have a story that needs to be heard, but we all have a story! What makes my story any more special than the next persons? Sure, there are moments in my life that I would love to share.  There are moments in my life that i want people to feel as I did, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid that i won't do justice to my moment and there is nothing less valuable than a watered down moment. I fear that I won't have the right words to portray such emotion. I'm afraid that i only get one chance to tell MY story and i don't want to mess it up! But what i fear most is that I will have to relive those moments in order to share my story.
     As I sit here writing this blog, I question: "What do I have to loose?" If people say you have a story to tell, why not tell your story? They cant judge you for telling your story, HEMORY!! Sure, I can understand your fears, but isn't that what expression is all about? Making yourself vulnerable? I guess I should think about it this way, If I don't tell my story...Who will?
Oh and by the way here is a link to that article that touched me so dearly!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

WIll You be Able To Create a Masterpiece??

This is for anyone who has ever considered themselves a writer. Whether you are writing for movies, songs, plays, or just for the sake of writing, we have all experienced that moment of revelation.
I can remember being back in my first English college course. I have always thought that I was a good writer. It has always seemed to be one of my strong suits, so of course I was only right in thinking, “This class would be easy!” Boy was I wrong. I would spend hours upon hours compiling some of the best essays I have ever written only to find that I barely got a passing grade. “Are you serious?” I would ask myself. I could not understand how a piece I put so much work into could be viewed as anything less of an A on the grading scale.
            It wasn’t until that autumn day in the Library. The professor told us we had thirty minutes to write an essay on whatever we wanted. I thought to myself, “What an easy assignment!” I was confident in my writing ability; in fact I was cocky in my writing skills. Time passed by and one by one students were handing in their papers. I looked down at my sheet and there before me lye a blank sheet of paper. I couldn’t think of anything. I was definitely experiencing writers block. Out of desperation I decided to make a mockery of this assignment and write my “Ode To a Piece of Paper”
Ode To a Piece of Paper
How dare I stain your body with my emotion?
Who am I to paint the words of my soul upon your canvas?
When we as people only take your presence for granted.
We walk all over you, burn you, ball you up and throw you away as if you were a piece of trash.
We never take the time to admire your beauty.
The way the azul line drape across your naked surface.
Your features fit so neatly and flawless.
You give off such a thin appearance but your potential, Oh the potential you encompass!
There is so much depth to be found on you, so much passion, so much love, so much hate, so many problems, yet so many solutions.
But we look at you as a novelty and not as a necessity.
You hold so many of our secrets and tell so many lies and yet we still confide in you.
You may not speak but my friend, you say volumes!
Why do we only value you when you’re green?
Why is it that when you don’t display what we want to see in you, we rip you apart?
But you’re always there, never expecting anything, never passing judgment, there to listen and to be heard.
You’re such a fragile piece of existence with many faces and many facets.

Sometimes it’s hard for me to read you and at other times your message is so clear.
So, in saying this, let me the first to admit that I need you.
I have always valued the relationship we’ve shared.
I want to apologize for the many times I’ve overlooked you, taken you for granted, and the countless times I’ve tried to replace you. You’ve always been special to me.
There is nothing in this world more romantic than lying beside you, on a dock, basking in the glory of the sun, and making sweet love in between……… your lines!

            I quickly turned it in without giving it a second look. The next day in class as he handed out the papers I look at mine and there it was, the grade that I felt I deserved all this time, staring me in the face. The professor had given me a 100 percent and wanted to see me after class. After class he congratulated me on such a beautiful piece of paper and edged me to title it, its current title.
            There I stood at the end of a whole semester and I had finally learned a lesson. No matter how good of a writer you think you are. No matter how much you prepare. The best stuff comes from the heart. When you are stripped of all stimuli and everything, leaving you with that pencil and sheet of paper, What masterpiece will you create?

Journey to Manhood Part II

Journey into Manhood Part I

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Case of The BG's!

So I'm having this conversation with my friend and some how we come across the term "Bubble Guts". I suddenly notice this blank look that comes across his face and I realize he has no idea as to what the "Bubble Guts" are! In shear shock I ask him if he knows what that term means? I couldn't believe it but he had NO IDEA! It baffled me, so we quickly started inquiring about the term. We asked multiple people and many of them had no idea what the term actually meant. Yeah, sure they had a general idea as to what it could mean, but it wasn't a part of their everyday vocabulary. I even decided to do a survey on Facebook and still I received a ton of people not familiar with the term. After all of this I decided to Google the term. The first definition that pulled up was from the urban dictionary. It read, "The noises made in your stomache when your ass is about to burst due to a case of explosive diarrhea."There were countless other links of people who had encountered the term, but had no idea as to what the meaning was. The only conclusion I have come up with is that this term is probably a cultural based term. Needless to say my friend was very excited to learn this new term. He stated he woke up in the middle of the night, stomache rumbling and bubbling, and exclaimed, "I think I have the Bubble Guts!"

Monday, December 13, 2010

Poetic Inspirations (Shihan)

Poetic Inspirations (Poetri)

GOOD MUSIC (Esperanza Spalding)

Writers Block

I sat there with pen and paper with the desire to write.
But the more I tried and force it the harder the fight.
See it started out as a love poem, you know the kind filled with romantic metaphores and similes.
The I love yous and the you and me's.
But I knew that not having this in real life could ruin me.
So I decided to write sumthin deep. the kind of poem that says stuff like, " I wanna fall in love with your genetic make up. Than forget you in my dreams just so I can re-remember you when I wakeup" but I soon realized that this was just a waste of...... depth.
Becuz although it makes complete sense in my head at the end of the day its just a con.......cept.
So I tried to write sumthin tragic but I'm kinda sensitive about all that death stuff so I embarked on sumthin magic.
I tested a bit of that harry potter type stuff, than I sampled a little of that modern type stuff, but I wanted more, so I mixed the two sorta like a fusion.
But as I always do, I realized what's magic to one is just anothers illusion.
So there I am stuck in the realms of my imagination, with the sudden fascination just to write.
And as I looked at what used to be a blank piece of paper I realized sumthin must be right.
Than it hit me, all I needed to do was set my thoughts aside to see.
That these pages weren't filled with the words I wanted to write, but instead they were stained, with the emotion inside of me.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

....and now back to our regular scheduled program!

So, let me be the first to apologize to all our fans for not bring the substance in these last few weeks that we promised. everyone knows how the holidays can get hectic and Yes, they have been the same for us as well. But let me not make excuses we are preparing for a new year and Lamar De'Lores plans on coming strong for the New Year! We are taking all inputs on how to make this site more pleasurable to you. THE FANS!! Our plan is to provide you with more substance than your little hearts can bare!!! So, without further ado, Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the substance that is known as LAMAR DE'LORES!!!

Can Kanye Handle The Fame?

     Listening to a local radio station the other day I overheard the Disk Jockey state that, “I don’t think Kanye West knows how to be famous!” When I first heard this statement I pondered what he could possibly mean. Kanye has been in the spotlight since 2004 when he released his debut album The College Dropout. So the statement still baffled me, “How could Kanye West a very notorious individual not know how to be famous. I thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion that maybe that D.J. was on to something. I mean after all there are no lessons on how to handle your fame. There are no “How to be Famous” handbooks. So is Kanye struggling to handle his notoriety?
     Many people have commented on how he looks “uncomfortable” on certain shows. For example, when he was on the Ellen DeGeneres show many would say he seemed out of place. We all have seen the Taylor Swift incident and have at least heard the George Bush statement, are these all acts of Kanye not knowing how to be famous? My opinion in all this is that Kanye West is a genius. Sure, many people hate Kanye for his antics and pompous personality. But the question is how much do they really hate Kanye. I believe some have developed a love to hate Kanye attitude which has fueled his career. These are the same people who are going to go out and buy Kanye’s album to critique it, watch all his appearances to see how he “make a fool of himself”, these are the same people who still attends his concerts to hear what he has to say to the fans. Whether it is bad or good publicity the bottom line is that Kanye West still makes sales, tops the charts, and beyond all that makes GOOD music! So the question of “Does Kanye know how to be famous” can’t be answered because who has actually mastered this skill? The question should be instead, “Is Kanye a great artist?”