"Those who follow the crowd, usually gets lost in it."
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
A message of Hope.
I could have swore I seen you just the other day. The funny thing is you were not hiding or up for playing games. You were right there in clear view. There was this girl. She had a small frame. Eyes laced with all the troubles of the world and she carried heartache and disappointment on her shoulders. There was no room for the weight of the world. I know its rude, but I could not help but stare and as I examined the truths written across her face, I seen you. She wore a red blouse, that buttoned up the center, and drooped from her body, grasping to her shoulders. The only jewelry she had on was a ring made of twine. The crafty sort that you put together on a desperate night trying to escape the unease of boredom. As my eyes traveled across the details of this woman, I spotted you on her sleeve. Just as quickly as I had met this seemingly damsel in distress, she disappeared. I was caught up in love. But you fell. I find this ironic because its usually the other way around. We fall in you, how could this be? Nonetheless, there you lie helplessly on the bare concrete. I picked you up, dusted you off and looked around for the woman who had dropped you. She was no where to be found. She had lost her love and I had found it. What was I suppose to do with love? It wasn’t even whole. There were pieces missing, it was battered, and overused. I had no use for love in my life. Maybe I could turn it in and get a reward. Sure they say money can’t buy love, but this wasn’t my love. It was hers. The girl in the red blouse. Unwillingly I took love home. Stuck it in my back pocket and went about my way.
Days passed, weeks, months, and before you know it, I had gotten all caught up with the daily mundaness of life that I forgot all about love. Until one night, I started evaluating my life. I had everything I could possibly imagine. Yet I still felt this void. Something seemed to be missing. Where was happiness and joy when I needed them? All I could think about was the day I found you. The feelings that overcame me. Even if only for a moment of me holding you in the palm of my hands, I felt like I had everything. But I took you for granted and put you on the back burner. I had no use for you right then. You would have only complicated things. I wasn’t ready to accept you. I searched my apartment from top to bottom that night. Emptied every single drawer, looked in every corner, even scowered my bed sheets, but you were nowhere to be found. Finally, I had given up. I sat there helpless in the mess I had created. I became apart of the clutter in the room. Everything I had to show for, the things that added “value” to my life was there on the floor in my presence. They all seemed so meaningless now. I wanted one thing, and one thing only, and I had foolishly let it go.
Suddenly I get this knock at the door. Who could possibly be visiting me at a time like this? I didn’t want company. I was already acquainted with misery and regret. People in my current state shouldn’t be seen, but something still allured me to the door. I get up slowly, as I paced to the door I try and wipe the agony and disappointment from my face. You know, its hard to get rid of stains. I open the door and there standing before me is the woman in the red blouse. She appeared different. Her eyes seemed softer but more passionate. She stood taller. Her smile, oh her smile was that of a sunset on the last night of spring. She was not alone either. Behind her I could hear happiness and joy playing in the hall. “May I help you?”, I said. “Yes!”, she replied. The girl in the red blouse reached within the left side of her blouse and pulled out a familiar sight. It was you, Love. I couldn’t believe it, “Where??.. How??.. Who are you?” The girl in the red blouse looks up, extends love towards me, and says, “My name is Hope.”
Poetic Fix
You can't help but be captured by the theatrical symmetries accompanied by heart felt words. Beautiful!
Quote of the day..
"At every turn the Earth was reinvented, her footsteps were wholey digested by the past."
- Steven O'Connor
- Steven O'Connor
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Quote of the day..
"You can look at something nine hundred and ninety nine times, but if you look at it a thousandth, you run the risk of seeing it."
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Quote of the day...
"Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Have You Had Your Fix?
Periodically we will share some of the inspirational works of poets from across the Nation. Let us call it our little "Poetic Fix". Face it, we all have those moments when our spirit is dying to be replenished by a beautiful arrangement of words spoken oh so eloquently. This is the first of many to come, enjoy!
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