On a night filled with the most random of thoughts, I can only think about opportunity. Opportunity arising and fading. The sad part seems that the latter is happening. What do you do when you are faced with the fading of what used to be a bright blazing light? Do you throw your hands up? Perhaps, just holding on until that last bit of flicker is left and just hope. Hope that suddenly, oxygen will just rush back in and blow a rejuvenating breath back into the dimming flame. Can you imagine being huddled on the ground, hands trembling with nothing but pure hope and a face streaming beads of agonizing faith only because you know that even at the darkest hour there is still way? The beauty of life is not always in the blissful joy we are having, but in the moments where things began to get a little hazy. The moments when you realize that in order to be truly alive is when you can't quite see the rest of the road, but you know that it is there and all you have to do is take a chance. A leap of faith that your foot, your flame will never dim. In this is the realization that opportunity never fades, it either starts or does simply not begin. Ah, the beauty of the nature of life! What a wonderful masterpiece!