We need to start appreciating our Black Women more!! Only if all men thought this way... Speak Joshua Bennett!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Poetic Fix
"I sleep walk because I'm trying to live my dreams.." Wow, this poet makes some profound statements. Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
See she had the deepest blue eyes that a man has ever gazed in.
And i found myself drowning in the depths of passion, on the brink of sumthin amazing.
And I knew that to the heart there's a 100 ways in, but to the soul there's only one.
So I found myself tryin to be a student of her existence but instead I'm just a pupil and the lessons had just begun.
I attempted to read her thoughts so that the imformation would be optimal, but in the depths of her eyes everything was optical, an illusion.
And there I found myself a mist of all her doubts, fears, turmoils and counfusions...
I took a peek at her memories, somethings seemed to be faded while others peered to be timeless.
And as I searched the contents of her soul there I found the word "love" embedded in her iris.
I soon could hear the oceans of joy and despair and it seemed to draw closer with every blink of her eyelids.
I could feel the emotions in the air and the feelings keep growing.
Until they reached a climax and the tears started flowing.
All I wanted to know from the look in her eyes if she could possibly adore me.
But when I found my self in this stream of emotion running down her cheek I knew that she not only cried for me.
Becuz in all actuality her tears was me.
And there was no need to question if she loves me.
When the tear hit the grounds surface I stood up, ran to her, embraced her in my arms, stopped her tears with a kiss.
And asked her simply" tell me my love how can I ever love you like this??"
And i found myself drowning in the depths of passion, on the brink of sumthin amazing.
And I knew that to the heart there's a 100 ways in, but to the soul there's only one.
So I found myself tryin to be a student of her existence but instead I'm just a pupil and the lessons had just begun.
I attempted to read her thoughts so that the imformation would be optimal, but in the depths of her eyes everything was optical, an illusion.
And there I found myself a mist of all her doubts, fears, turmoils and counfusions...
I took a peek at her memories, somethings seemed to be faded while others peered to be timeless.
And as I searched the contents of her soul there I found the word "love" embedded in her iris.
I soon could hear the oceans of joy and despair and it seemed to draw closer with every blink of her eyelids.
I could feel the emotions in the air and the feelings keep growing.
Until they reached a climax and the tears started flowing.
All I wanted to know from the look in her eyes if she could possibly adore me.
But when I found my self in this stream of emotion running down her cheek I knew that she not only cried for me.
Becuz in all actuality her tears was me.
And there was no need to question if she loves me.
When the tear hit the grounds surface I stood up, ran to her, embraced her in my arms, stopped her tears with a kiss.
And asked her simply" tell me my love how can I ever love you like this??"
It Boggles me how in the game of Life someone can Scrabble your thoughts so much that they create a Monopoly within your mind. Of course they have no Clue that you have embarked upon this Trivial Pursuit to get these newfound emotions off your Chess. I wish I could tell you that this would be easy, Sorry to sink your Battle Ship per say, but there is always Risk involved when declaring your love for someone. My advice is to run with this sort of Outburst of emotion through the the Chutes and Ladders that life will bring. Because true love is a rare occurrence and yes, there is strategy involved, but most times you have to play with the hand you were dealt. But somewhere in the back of your mind you continually hope that its just one roll away.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Love at first sight?
Have you ever met someone and things just seemed to be meant to be? I know it sounds silly, and in most cases I would agree. I mean the whole concept of love at first sight is an irrational mind set. You question, "How can one love someone they just met?" What do we base this "love" upon? But...yes there is always a but, there are those times where phenomenas do occur and who gives a rats behind about having a reason to explain? It happens in movies. Its within the context of great fairytales. In the melodies of love songs and acted out in numerous plays. Is it so far fetched for one to hold on to this concept of love at first sight? After all, love it self is sort of an irrational emotion in its own regards. But, we are not questioning love here.. it is its presence when we first meet a person which is on trial.
There comes those moments in life where the planets are aligned just right, the moon and stars are in perfect cosmic harmony, and time yields to your interaction with that one special person. You indulge in great conversation, you finish the sentences of one another, you may even murmur the same phrase at the exact same time. Your eyes meet and you can see a reflection of the sparkle in your eyes or is that just a reciprocation of interest and intrigue? The world, oh the world is at a stand still.. words have taken on deeper meaning and you witness their birth as they spill off her lips. There you sat lingering to her every letter, syllable, and sentence. Conversation is natural, the chemistry is something to marvel at, and yes, dare I say it, to an innocent bystander, love is definitely in the air.
Is this dilation of the pupil or thumping of the heart or sense of comfort the defining factors in this love at first sight theory? Some may call it infatuation, some may say its just the wonders of that "newness" but I say that in a parallel universe, written in the book of happy endings, that this is love. Maybe not in the same regards as we know it and perhaps not even at its full potential. But that is what we see in these moments, the potential. Isn't that all love is?? The potential to fall madly, insanely, irrationally for someone that you would give everything to experience it?
Sitting across from this beautiful woman, our life flashed before my eyes. I could see our children playing, our wedding day, kissing her in the rain, absorbing her very essence. And as she called my name and I awoke from this trance.. I knew that I didn't care about anyones opinion, because if this isn't love at first sight. Then at least I know that we are on the cuspid of true love.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Wanna Love You
I dont wanna fight, I just wanna love you til it hurts.
I wanna love you until it births, a deep intimacy that defines the for better or for worse.
I wanna love you until i cant love anyone else and even after that I wanna love you more.
I wanna love you so much that I cheat on you with the thought of loving you and realize that its only you i adore.
I wanna love the sweet scent of your pheremones, the depths of your pupils, and fall in love with your genetic make up.
I wanna get lost with your love in my dreams and have amnesia when i wake up, just so i can re-remember how it feels to love you, touch you, to inhale your essence.
But see I love you so much it borderline obsession. And I miss loving you so much its beyond recession, its borderline depression.
See you cant blame me if my eyes seem to be a bit moist.
And you cant blame me for going through that photo album over and over, please believe its not just by choice.
And so what if i replayed your message 100 times just to hear your voice.
And at first all I heard was, " Hemory its time we both see the truth. baby im sorry but i can no longer see me with you.
But it changed to " Hemory its time we both see the truth. But baby I cant see me without you!" Thats when i realized its not about you, nor is it about me, but my love its about "we" or "us" and i dont need a poem to discuss, how much i love you.
See baby i dont wanna fight no more and if I cant love you than i dont wanna write no more.All I wanna know is that you still care.
So I give you my pen and my heart and a blank canvas and you try and recreate the love that we shared.
Writers Block
I sat there with pen and paper with the desire to write.
See it started out as a love poem, you know the kind
filled with romantic metaphores and similes.
The I love yous and the you and me's.
But I knew that not having this in real life could ruin me.
So I decided to write sumthin deep. the kind of poem that says stuff like, " I wanna fall in love with your genetic make up. Than forget you in my dreams just so I can re-remember you when I wakeup" but I soon realized that this was just a waste of...... depth.
Becuz although it makes complete sense in my head at the end of the day its just a con.......cept.
So I tried to write sumthin tragic but I'm kinda sensitive about all that death stuff so I embarked on sumthin magic.
I tested a bit of that harry potter type stuff, than I sampled a little of that modern type stuff, but I wanted more, so I mixed the two sorta like a fusion.
But as I always do, I realized what's magic to one is just anothers illusion.
So there I am stuck in the realms of my imagination, with the sudden fascination just to write.
And as I looked at what used to be a blank piece of paper I realized sumthin must be right.
Than it hit me, all I needed to do was set my thoughts aside to see.
That these pages weren't filled with the words I wanted to write, but instead they were stained, with the emotion inside of me.
Coming Soon to a Blog Near YOU!
Our vision here at Lamar De'Lores is to bring substance to those in need of inspiration, spiritual nutrition, an occasional poetic fix, optimism in a sometimes pessimistic world, a creative rejuvenation. In our aspirations to do such, we search to find talented, ambitious, creative individuals with such substance within their own lives. In the upcoming weeks we invite you to lookout for our new addition to the team. This fine young gentlemen is a freelance writer that has been featured in numerous publications at his alma mater, Kalamazoo College. A very well spoken individual with deep introspect into many topics and is the future of Lamar De'Lores. So again, I invite you in welcoming him to our team within the next couple of weeks!
Poetic Fix
There is only one thing I enjoy more than beautiful women. That is, a beautiful woman who has a way with words. This weeks "Poetic Fix" is definitely something to admire!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
A message of Hope.
I could have swore I seen you just the other day. The funny thing is you were not hiding or up for playing games. You were right there in clear view. There was this girl. She had a small frame. Eyes laced with all the troubles of the world and she carried heartache and disappointment on her shoulders. There was no room for the weight of the world. I know its rude, but I could not help but stare and as I examined the truths written across her face, I seen you. She wore a red blouse, that buttoned up the center, and drooped from her body, grasping to her shoulders. The only jewelry she had on was a ring made of twine. The crafty sort that you put together on a desperate night trying to escape the unease of boredom. As my eyes traveled across the details of this woman, I spotted you on her sleeve. Just as quickly as I had met this seemingly damsel in distress, she disappeared. I was caught up in love. But you fell. I find this ironic because its usually the other way around. We fall in you, how could this be? Nonetheless, there you lie helplessly on the bare concrete. I picked you up, dusted you off and looked around for the woman who had dropped you. She was no where to be found. She had lost her love and I had found it. What was I suppose to do with love? It wasn’t even whole. There were pieces missing, it was battered, and overused. I had no use for love in my life. Maybe I could turn it in and get a reward. Sure they say money can’t buy love, but this wasn’t my love. It was hers. The girl in the red blouse. Unwillingly I took love home. Stuck it in my back pocket and went about my way.
Days passed, weeks, months, and before you know it, I had gotten all caught up with the daily mundaness of life that I forgot all about love. Until one night, I started evaluating my life. I had everything I could possibly imagine. Yet I still felt this void. Something seemed to be missing. Where was happiness and joy when I needed them? All I could think about was the day I found you. The feelings that overcame me. Even if only for a moment of me holding you in the palm of my hands, I felt like I had everything. But I took you for granted and put you on the back burner. I had no use for you right then. You would have only complicated things. I wasn’t ready to accept you. I searched my apartment from top to bottom that night. Emptied every single drawer, looked in every corner, even scowered my bed sheets, but you were nowhere to be found. Finally, I had given up. I sat there helpless in the mess I had created. I became apart of the clutter in the room. Everything I had to show for, the things that added “value” to my life was there on the floor in my presence. They all seemed so meaningless now. I wanted one thing, and one thing only, and I had foolishly let it go.
Suddenly I get this knock at the door. Who could possibly be visiting me at a time like this? I didn’t want company. I was already acquainted with misery and regret. People in my current state shouldn’t be seen, but something still allured me to the door. I get up slowly, as I paced to the door I try and wipe the agony and disappointment from my face. You know, its hard to get rid of stains. I open the door and there standing before me is the woman in the red blouse. She appeared different. Her eyes seemed softer but more passionate. She stood taller. Her smile, oh her smile was that of a sunset on the last night of spring. She was not alone either. Behind her I could hear happiness and joy playing in the hall. “May I help you?”, I said. “Yes!”, she replied. The girl in the red blouse reached within the left side of her blouse and pulled out a familiar sight. It was you, Love. I couldn’t believe it, “Where??.. How??.. Who are you?” The girl in the red blouse looks up, extends love towards me, and says, “My name is Hope.”
Poetic Fix
You can't help but be captured by the theatrical symmetries accompanied by heart felt words. Beautiful!
Quote of the day..
"At every turn the Earth was reinvented, her footsteps were wholey digested by the past."
- Steven O'Connor
- Steven O'Connor
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Quote of the day..
"You can look at something nine hundred and ninety nine times, but if you look at it a thousandth, you run the risk of seeing it."
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Quote of the day...
"Take time to deliberate, but when the time for action comes, stop thinking and go in."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Napoleon Bonaparte
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Have You Had Your Fix?
Periodically we will share some of the inspirational works of poets from across the Nation. Let us call it our little "Poetic Fix". Face it, we all have those moments when our spirit is dying to be replenished by a beautiful arrangement of words spoken oh so eloquently. This is the first of many to come, enjoy!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
A Stroll Down Memory Lane.
It takes those reoccurring moments in life until you have that sudden epiphany. The kind of epiphany that sort of sums of your entire life, in one brief moment. You know, I had one of those moments recently. I was planning on going somewhere, with a girl of course, its always about a girl isn't it? Anyhow, I was planning on going to a party with a girl. I message her and she replies with one of those replies that has a subconscious meaning attached to it. The subtle kind, you wouldn't notice unless you went with your gut instinct. Long story short she decided that I shouldn't come along.
So as I’m sitting home alone I get this thought. Maybe I should just go and surprise her. Surprises are always great aren't they? Catching someone when they least expect it even after they clearly said they didn't want you somewhere. No, of course not. But it crossed my mind nontheless and it brought me back to my freshman year in high school. The memory is so vivid as if it had all happened yesterday.
It was the week of homecoming and I had already decided I didn't really want to go. I don't know why not. Perhaps I didn't have anything to wear, or I had a zit or some silly teenage catastrophe, who knows? At the time I was dating a gal by the name of Joanna. We hadn't been dating that long and she knew I wasn’t going to go to the dance but she was going anyhow. Can't recall exactly why, but I am at home hours before the dance and I get this brilliant idea. "You know what, Im gonna go to this dance. All my friends are there and I cant have my girlfriend dateless without me." So I run to my parents room and and scrounge through their closet. For some reason whenever I wanted any of the latest fashion or to wear something “cool” I always peeked in my dads wardrobe. So, I’m going through everything and there was nothing that was catching my eye. Then I saw it, it was covered in a fresh dry cleaning bag, tucked neatly away. It was something to admire or at least I thought it was. I quickly grabbed it out of the closet ran to my room and began to unwrap it as if it was Christmas morning. Peeking from the plastic was an all white, leather suit. (Yes, I said Leather!) Complete with a leather overcoat and overall slacks. I just knew that I was going to turn heads with this one and boy was Joanna in for a treat.
I was all ready. But I couldn't just show up empty handed. This was back when I still did little corny romantic things. If I was going to impress, I had to do it in an extravagant way. So, I went to the dollar store. (Oh yes I went all out.) I picked up a few artificial roses and and a couple that was filled with perfume inside. Of course I had no idea what the perfume smelled like, but I’m almost certain it was something of a cheap hooker. Anyhow, Now I was officially ready. I remember just before showing up at the dance replaying Joanna’s reaction over and over in my head. I often do this from time to time and have yet to learn that it never turns out the way I imagined.
I show up at the dance and everyone is surprised to see me. No one expected that I would have ever came. They all ask, “Does Joanna know you were coming?” No, she didn’t know I was coming but I wanted to find her. I walk into the dance and there was my Cinderella. She was dressed in this beautiful blue gown. I must admit she was looking pretty good. I walk up to her and I give her the roses. I look at her face and it didn't seem to display the expression that played over in my head. In fact the excitement that I expected to radiate from her face was very similar to a look of disappointment. But you couldn't tell me anything, I had a white leather suit on, black shirt, black shoes, and topped it all of with my Dads white leather cowboy hat. Man did I just know I was looking good. I can’t manage to recall Joanna’s exact words but it pans out to be something around the nature of us breaking up. I couldn't believe it, here I am at a dance I had no intentions on going to, I purposely changed my plans to come, all to impress a girl. I even risked getting in trouble with my Dad who had no idea I was in his suit.
I had just got dumped at my first homecoming of high school. I would say that that night scarred me for life but I’d be lying. I went on to have a great night despite the unfortunate events prior. Her dumping me actually made me more attractive to all the other single ladies at the dance and of course I indulged in their sympathy.
But the point of it all is that this is the story of my life. I have many times since then taken unnecessary risk, gone over and beyond, even made drastic changes in my life, all to impress women. Its funny how history has a strange way of repeating itself and yet we often overlook the lessons that are right in front of our eyes. Needless to say I didn’t raid my Dad’s closet this time, I didn’t go buy any hooker fragranced perfumed roses, and I didn’t go surprise her in an all white leather suit. But as I took a stroll down memory lane, reliving that faithful moment, all with a smile on my face, the thought did cross my mind.
So as I’m sitting home alone I get this thought. Maybe I should just go and surprise her. Surprises are always great aren't they? Catching someone when they least expect it even after they clearly said they didn't want you somewhere. No, of course not. But it crossed my mind nontheless and it brought me back to my freshman year in high school. The memory is so vivid as if it had all happened yesterday.
It was the week of homecoming and I had already decided I didn't really want to go. I don't know why not. Perhaps I didn't have anything to wear, or I had a zit or some silly teenage catastrophe, who knows? At the time I was dating a gal by the name of Joanna. We hadn't been dating that long and she knew I wasn’t going to go to the dance but she was going anyhow. Can't recall exactly why, but I am at home hours before the dance and I get this brilliant idea. "You know what, Im gonna go to this dance. All my friends are there and I cant have my girlfriend dateless without me." So I run to my parents room and and scrounge through their closet. For some reason whenever I wanted any of the latest fashion or to wear something “cool” I always peeked in my dads wardrobe. So, I’m going through everything and there was nothing that was catching my eye. Then I saw it, it was covered in a fresh dry cleaning bag, tucked neatly away. It was something to admire or at least I thought it was. I quickly grabbed it out of the closet ran to my room and began to unwrap it as if it was Christmas morning. Peeking from the plastic was an all white, leather suit. (Yes, I said Leather!) Complete with a leather overcoat and overall slacks. I just knew that I was going to turn heads with this one and boy was Joanna in for a treat.
I was all ready. But I couldn't just show up empty handed. This was back when I still did little corny romantic things. If I was going to impress, I had to do it in an extravagant way. So, I went to the dollar store. (Oh yes I went all out.) I picked up a few artificial roses and and a couple that was filled with perfume inside. Of course I had no idea what the perfume smelled like, but I’m almost certain it was something of a cheap hooker. Anyhow, Now I was officially ready. I remember just before showing up at the dance replaying Joanna’s reaction over and over in my head. I often do this from time to time and have yet to learn that it never turns out the way I imagined.
I show up at the dance and everyone is surprised to see me. No one expected that I would have ever came. They all ask, “Does Joanna know you were coming?” No, she didn’t know I was coming but I wanted to find her. I walk into the dance and there was my Cinderella. She was dressed in this beautiful blue gown. I must admit she was looking pretty good. I walk up to her and I give her the roses. I look at her face and it didn't seem to display the expression that played over in my head. In fact the excitement that I expected to radiate from her face was very similar to a look of disappointment. But you couldn't tell me anything, I had a white leather suit on, black shirt, black shoes, and topped it all of with my Dads white leather cowboy hat. Man did I just know I was looking good. I can’t manage to recall Joanna’s exact words but it pans out to be something around the nature of us breaking up. I couldn't believe it, here I am at a dance I had no intentions on going to, I purposely changed my plans to come, all to impress a girl. I even risked getting in trouble with my Dad who had no idea I was in his suit.
I had just got dumped at my first homecoming of high school. I would say that that night scarred me for life but I’d be lying. I went on to have a great night despite the unfortunate events prior. Her dumping me actually made me more attractive to all the other single ladies at the dance and of course I indulged in their sympathy.
But the point of it all is that this is the story of my life. I have many times since then taken unnecessary risk, gone over and beyond, even made drastic changes in my life, all to impress women. Its funny how history has a strange way of repeating itself and yet we often overlook the lessons that are right in front of our eyes. Needless to say I didn’t raid my Dad’s closet this time, I didn’t go buy any hooker fragranced perfumed roses, and I didn’t go surprise her in an all white leather suit. But as I took a stroll down memory lane, reliving that faithful moment, all with a smile on my face, the thought did cross my mind.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

On a night filled with the most random of thoughts, I can only think about opportunity. Opportunity arising and fading. The sad part seems that the latter is happening. What do you do when you are faced with the fading of what used to be a bright blazing light? Do you throw your hands up? Perhaps, just holding on until that last bit of flicker is left and just hope. Hope that suddenly, oxygen will just rush back in and blow a rejuvenating breath back into the dimming flame. Can you imagine being huddled on the ground, hands trembling with nothing but pure hope and a face streaming beads of agonizing faith only because you know that even at the darkest hour there is still way? The beauty of life is not always in the blissful joy we are having, but in the moments where things began to get a little hazy. The moments when you realize that in order to be truly alive is when you can't quite see the rest of the road, but you know that it is there and all you have to do is take a chance. A leap of faith that your foot, your flame will never dim. In this is the realization that opportunity never fades, it either starts or does simply not begin. Ah, the beauty of the nature of life! What a wonderful masterpiece!
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